
Add Assessment Example

Add Assessment Example
Example: Create 8 Assessments for Cycle 1. They are 7 Cass Assessments and 1 Exam.


1. Cycle
Select the Cycle by Left Clicking on the Drop Down List Box ().  Select  Cycle 1 by Left Clicking on it in the list.

Assessment Type

2. Assessment Type
Selects the Assessment Type by Left Clicking on the Drop Down List Box ().  Select  Cass by Left Clicking on it in the list.


3. Code
Enter a Code for the Assessment. For this Example the Code is T1 (Test 1).

Display Name

4. Display Name
Enter a Display Name for the Assessment. For this Example the Display Name is T1.

Alternative Code

5. Alternative Code
Enter a Alternative Code for the Assessment. For this Example the Alternative Code is T1.

Alternative Name

6. Alternative Name
Enter a Alternative Display Name for the Assessment. For this Example the Alternative Display Name is T1.

Max Mark

7. Max Mark
Enter a Max Mark for the Assessment. For this Example the Max Mark is 15.

Pass Mark

8. Pass Mark
Enter a Pass Mark for the Assessment. For this Example the Pass Mark is 15.

Number of Copies

9. Number of Copies
Enter the Number of Assessment Copies that should be created.  For this Example the Number of Assessment Copies are 15.

Create / Cancel

10. Create / Cancel
When all information has been entered, the Assessments are created by Left Clicking on the Created Button (). The screen below shows that one Cycle has been created with together with  7  Cass Assessments. The Codes and Descriptions as well as the Max Marks and Pass Marks have been populated. The user now needs to Edit each of the Assessment Records and correct all values.
Should the user want to Cancel the Create Action, Left Click on the Cancel Button ().

Edited Version of 7 Cass Assessments

In the screen below each of the Assessments that were created has been Edited and all fields have been updated with the correct values.

Exam Assessment

The above mentioned steps are repeated to create the Exam for Cycle 1. The Assessment Type is selected to be Exam and only one copy is created. The screen below includes the one Exam that was added.
 12. Exam Assessment
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