
Add Diagrams

Add Diagrams

Steps to Add a Diagram

1. Steps to Add a Diagram
a)     Select the Add button.
b)     Update the Display Name.
c)     Use the Toolbox. The toolbox allows you to add shapes to your chart.
d)     The shapes integrate with Edupac Data.
e)     Use the toolbox scroll to see more shapes.
f)     Drag a shape from the Toolbox onto the page.
g)     Double click the shape to add/edit its text.
h)     Connect the shapes.
i)     Hover the mouse pointer over a shape to display its connection points.
j)     Hover a point, press the left mouse button, drag the connector to another shape's connection point, and release the mouse button.      If the Shape is moved now, the connector stretches to it.
k)     Double click the connector to add text. Use the mouse to move the text along the connector.
l)     Select the Save button save your Chart/Diagram.
Made with help of Dr.Explain