
Business Rules

Business Rules

Business Rules

1. Business Rules
Business Rules allow users to define alternative/extra validations that are not currently enforced by the Edupac system.
Example: ID Number length checks.
a)     Select the Add Button.
b)     Update the Active Flag.
c)     Update the Display Name.
d)     Select the Entity (Field) to be used.
e)     Add the Start Terminator.
f)     Add the Decision.
g)     Add the Validation.
h)     Add the End Terminator.
i)     Join the Chart Object with the Connectors.
j)     Update the Decision properties. (Double Click Decision)
k)     Conditions can be added under the Visual Tab.
i)          Select the Field for the condition.
m)          Select the Operator.
n)          Select and update the value.
o)     Select the Save on the Properties Popup.
p)     Update the Validation Message. (Double Click Validation)
q)     Update the Display Name.
r)     Update the Validation Message. This is the Validation Message that will be displayed should the input not be valid.
s)     Select the Save on the Properties Popup.
t)     Select the Save button.
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