
Student Document Upload

Student Document Upload


1. General
This option allows the users to upload documents to the Document Management on individual students. Documents can be uploaded to individual students, or it can be done as a batch upload to multiple students. The advantage of making use of this functionality, is that the user does not have to individually edit each student profile and upload documents to the individual students.

Document Type

2. Document Type
Select a document Type (This is a required field). For this example, the document type that will be used is Curriculum.
Note: If the document Type does not exist the user can Add a new Document type by selecting the Add Button.


3. Description
The user can add a Description (Prefix) for the file(s) that will be uploaded. For this example Term 1 will be used as the description.

Show on Portal

4. Show on Portal
Should this option be selected, the Guardian will be able to view the document that is uploaded on the Guardian Portal.
Should this option not be selected the document will be uploaded to the individual students documents tab on the student profile.


5. Overwrite
Should the user have created a second version of a document or documents and wants to replace the document that was originally uploaded this option is selected.


6. Remarks
The user can add remarks for the specific upload that will be done.

Add Documents

7. Add Documents
To Add the documents that needs to be uploaded select the Add Documents button.
The user can now browse to the specific folder where the documents are located and select the documents that need to be uploaded.
The selected documents will be displayed.
File Types and Maximum File Size
File Naming Convention


8. Process
When the user has selected the documents to be uploaded the upload process is completed by selecting the Process button.

Upload Notification

9. Upload Notification
When the document upload process has been completed, the upload notification will be displayed. This will give an indication of documents have been uploaded successfully or for the example below it indicates that the documents already exist.
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