
Add Contact Number

Add Contact Number


1. Type
Select the Type of Contact.
The Contact Type is a Required field ().  The user selects the Contact Type by Left Clicking on the Drop Down List Box . When this is done a list of available Contact Types will be displayed.
Example :
There are three possible options : Fax, Mobile or Office. The user needs to enter a Contact Type. Should the user not enter a Contact Type and attempts to Save () the information the system will give an indication  () that this is compulsory information.
Select the applicable Contact Type by Left Clicking on it in the list.


2. Description
Enter a Description of the Contact Number.


3. Number
The Number Format to be used is + Country Code   Dail Code   Number
Example 1:      In Namibia for a landline number in Windhoek the format will be +264 61 123 456.
Example 2:      In South Africa for a landline number in Vereeniging the format will be +27 16 123 4567.
Example 3:      In South Africa for a cell number the format will be +27 83 123 4567.
Example 1:      In Namibia for a cell number the format will be +264 81 123 4567.
The Number is a Required field ().  The user needs to enter a Number. Should the user not enter a Number and attempts to save () the information the system will give an indication  () that this is compulsory information.

Is Preferred

4. Is Preferred
Should this contact number be the preferred number, Left Click the Check Box. When this is done a Check mark () will be displayed. The Check box can be unchecked by Left Clicking on the Check Box for a second time.
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