
Add Serious Incident

Add Serious Incident
The Serious Incidents Form allows the User to Capture details pertaining to events which occurred regarding a Student which are of a severe/serious nature. This Form is intended for use beyond the capacity of the Conduct Module.
A similar form can be found in SA-SAMS under Menu Nr. 5.5.4 - however certain improvements have been added.
The available information will be exported to SA-SAMS during an export procedure automatically.
The Form can be explained as such.
Up to four (4) people can be involved in the Report.
1) Complainant
 The "victim" or person who was harmed/incurred damages during the reported incident.
2) Perpetrator
 The person responsible for the harm/incurred damages towards the Complainant.
3) Reporter
 The Person who reported the incident to the relevant authorities.
4) Case Worker
The Offical Person allocated to handling all matters of the case/liasing with the Complainant/Perpetrator and or Reporter.
To select a person as any of the above their profile needs to exist in the System, either as Student/Guardian/Employee.
Person Type
Profile Location
Guardians - without any learners linked to their profile.
*Note: To add a person to the system such that they can be selected as Other - simply add a Guardian Profile from the Guardian Profile Screen, fill in the required details and save without linking a learner. A Guardian can exist in the System without being linked to a learner where as a Learner is required to be linked to at least a Primary Guardian to exist.
Once a Person Type and the Person is selected - additional available information will be displayed
Such that the User can be certain of the Person selected for the Complainant/Perpetrator/Reported/Case Worker.
After the involved people have been selected, the other details can be selected by using the Combo Boxes, Date Pickers (Including Time), Check Boxes etc.
Seperate Locations, Comments and Declarations can be added.
Once all the information has been completed - the Case Report will Assimilate all the information and store it in a Text Box which can not be edited.
Any alterations made to the Incident such as Persons changed/Removed, dates altered, check boxes cleared or set after the Save - will be recorded in the Case Report with a date/time stamp as well the user responsible for altering any details of the Incident Record.

Person Filter

1. Person Filter
Select the Type of Person.
Student: All Students.
Guardian: All Guardian Profiles with Learners linked to the Guardians.
Educator: Employees which are Educators.
Employee: Employees
Other: Guardians without Learners linked.

Person Selection

2. Person Selection
Select the Person from the list.

Select Person Details

3. Select Person Details
Once a Person has been Selected - information available specific to the selected person will be shown.
This information will be added to the Case Report - and is to ensure that the correct person has been selected.

Incident Type

4. Incident Type
The type of Incident which occurred.
To add more Incidents - refer to Add Serious Incident Type

Incident Date

5. Incident Date
The date (and time if applicable) which the Incident took place.

Reported Date

6. Reported Date
The date (and time if applicable) which the Incident was reported to the official entity.


7. Checkboxes
Select the applicable Checkboxes as required.

SAPS Details

8. SAPS Details
Enter the SAPS Specific Information if applicable.

Case Resolved

9. Case Resolved
Select the Case Resolved Check Box if applicable.

Add Location/Declaration/Comment

10. Add Location/Declaration/Comment
Type the Location details in the top Box.
Left-Click the Add Location button.
The Control will add the Text Entered above and clear the input box for a new location to be added.
Note: Declaration and Comment function in identical fashion.

Case Report

11. Case Report
The Case Report - which can be printed as a report - contains all the information pertaining to the Serious Incident.
Including who and when it was created - as well all changes made to the Case Report (Username and DateTime Stamps).


12. Save/Cancel
When all information has been entered the Serious Incident is saved by Left Clicking on the Save Button (). Should the user want to Cancel the Add Action, Left Click on the Cancel Button ().
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