

Note:  Assessments are Created per Grade per Level per Cycle.

Subject Grade

1. Subject Grade
The Subject Grade is a Required field ().  The user selects the Subject Grade by Left Clicking on the Drop Down List Box (). When this is done a list of available Subject Grades will be displayed.
Select the applicable Subject Grade, for which the Assessments will be Added, by Left Clicking on it in the list.  Should the user not enter a Subject Grade system will give an indication () that this is compulsory information.
Should the user want to enter a New Subject Grade it is done by Left Clicking on the Add  Button (). When this is done the Add Subject Grade Page will be displayed (Refer to Add Subject Grade).


2. Level
The Level is a Required field ().  The user selects the Level by Left Clicking on the Drop Down List Box (). When this is done a list of available Levels will be displayed.
Select the applicable Level, for which the Assessments will be Added, by Left Clicking on it in the list. Should the user want to enter a New Level  it is done by Left Clicking on the Add  Button (). When this is done the Add Level Page will be displayed (Refer to Add Level).

General Toolbar

3. General Toolbar
As soon as a valid Subject Grade and Level is selected the General Toolbar is displayed.

Add Assessments

4. Add Assessments
Refer to Add Assessment.

Copy Assessments

5. Copy Assessments
Should the Assessments that have been created for a Subject Grade be the same for another Subject Grade, the user does not have to recreate the Assessments. The user can Copy the Assessments from one Subject Grade to the other. Refer to Copy Assessments.


6. Completed
The user now has the option to decide when Assessments Marks should be Closed for Changes. The implication of this being that when the “Assessment Completed Flag” is set no Assessment Marks can be Changed.
By Left-Clicking the CheckBox Icon in the Completed Column, the Assesment can either be locked or left open for further Mark Input.

Show On Portal

7. Show On Portal
The user now has the option to decide when Assessments should be displayed on the Portal. The implication of this being that Marks for assessments can be entered but is not displayed on the Portal until the user decides to do so.
By Left-Clicking the CheckBox Icon in the Show on Portal Column, the Assesment can either be displayed on the Parent's Portal or not.
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