SA-SAMS Export

The SA-SAMS School Management System is currently in use by various Institutions throughout South Africa. Many Official Departmental Information Reports and Exports are vital for the Department of Education via this System - Enterprise Edition unfortunately has not been granted the permissions to allow the direct access of Enterprise Edition's information to replicate the information provided by SA-SAMS.
As a result we have developed an application, which available from our Enterprise Edition Online System, that may be downloaded to your local device which provides access to your Institutes Information via the internet in a similar fashion that the Enterprise Edition Online Website does. However this application only connects to your Institution on Enterprise Edition as a tool to Export* the desired information and Import* that information into a SA-SAMS Database onto your local device. An Existing SA-SAMS database is not required and it is recommended that an existing Database is not used for the Export/Import as the application is thus far created to overwrite existing records.
The Enterprise Edition provides a downloadable application for the export of secure data from The Enterprise Edition to a personal computer such that the Department of Education’s (South Africa) Educational Management Information System known as SA-SAMS may interpret the data correctly.
The application creates a new Microsoft Access Database file on the client’s personal computer which may be selected and opened by the SA-SAMS application available from
Only SA-SAMS Versions 14.1.0 and later will be able to open and correctly interpret the data exported by the Enterprise Edition: SA-SAMS Export Application.
Minimum System Requirements:
· Personal Computer (PC)
· Windows 7, 8 or 8.1 (32 Bit OR 64-Bit)
· Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 or Higher
· Memory: 2GB RAM or More
· CPU : 1.5 Ghz or More
· Storage: 120GB Hard Drive (Application Requires ~ 100Mb)
Once the application has started you will be prompted with the Login Dialogue.
are both required fields to log in - and these Credentials are identical to the Credentials you use to log in to the Enterprise System.
The User must Left Click the Terms and Conditions Acceptance Checkbox
The User may Left Click on the "View Terms and Conditions" Button
Once the Username & Password have been entered, and the "I have read and do accept the Terms and Conditions" Checkbox you may continue to Left Click the Validate User Button.
IF you are a registered and approved user for an Institution, that Institution will become available on the School Drop - Down List.
Left Click on your institution before Left Clicking on the Login button.
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IF successfull you will be presented with the following Option - An additional feature has been included whereby The User can directly Upload new Lurits Numbers from SITA Feedback Files to The Enterprise Edition. Refer to the LURITS Module for more.
The User should Left Click the OK Button at this point to continue the Export Process.
Save File Dialogue.
Left Click the Yes button to present the Location where the SA-SAMS Export Utility will deploy a blank SA-SAMS Database.
It is suggested:
To Save the new database in the following Directory (if the computer being used has SA-SAMS already installed!)
In the above example, the file being created will be named Demo School after the Institution's Name (Your Institution will include the EMIS Number before the name).
You may change the name of the file being saved by Left-Clicking the name and retyping the file name.
NB. The File must be saved with the extension (.mdb) excluding the parenthesis. eg: Your School.mdb
Left Click the Save Button to display the following Dialogue. If minimized - maximise the window by Left Clicking it on the status bar.
Log Out:
Allows user to log out and re-enter the required credentials to alter the selected institution/school for export.
Change File:
Allows user to re-select the location at which the SA-SAMS file will be created at.
Logout the user and closes the application completely.
Export Information:
Username – the user’s account username which is currently logged in.
School – The institution’s name from which information will be exported.
SAMSDB – The location where the SA-SAMS database will be saved to.
Is School a LSEN School?
Click in the middle of the white check box to create a tick in the box to indicate that your institution is a LSEN School.
Academic and Future Enrolment Years.
Select the corresponding Academic Year with regards to which Academic Year’s data is to be exported. The Future Enrolment Year will automatically adjust to the succeeding year with respect to the Academic Year chosen.
Exclude Personal Information (Contact Numbers, Email, Physical and Postal Addresses) of Students and Guardians
The User may choose to exclude sensitive information such as Contact Numbers, Email Addresses, Physical and Postal Addresses of the Students and Guardians who are to be exported. This is to allow The User control over the information which is to be made available in the SA-SAMS Database to other parties beyond the institution via this export.
Grade Exclusion Checkbox List
The User may Left Click any of the available Check Box Items in the list in order to exclude all Students in those selected Grades (as well their respective Guardian, Academic, Conduct, Absenteeism etc) records from the Export Process.
The example below shows that the Grade "PRE-GRADE R" will be excluded from the export process - thusly no Students in said Grade, nor their respective Guardian and other records will be available in the final SA-SAMS Database.
This is to allow The User control over the information which is to be made available in the SA-SAMS Database to other parties beyond the institution via this export.
Note: Only "Student Grade" records in the Enterprise Edition with valid LURITS/Official Codes as well as more than one (1) Enrolled Student for the current Academic Year will be available in this list.
Information set selection
Selection of individual information sets may be selected by clicking in the white check box next to each set’s label. Alternatively by clicking the All button, all sets will be selected.
General Information, Cycles, Grades & Classes:
Basic School & Principal information, School Terms and related information, Grades and Classes of institution.
Official Academic Subjects:
Subjects of your institution.
NB:Official LURITS Codes are required in the Enterprise System for the Subjects to be exported. They must be correctly linked to the existing subjects in the Enterprise Edition.
Educators and Non-Educator Staff:
Employee & Educator information.
Students & Guardians :
Student Information (excludes Curriculum Related information)
Only Enterprise Edition Primary Guardians are exported as SA-SAMS does not cater for Secondary Guardians.
Learner Applications:
Student Information of Students with Enrolments of Academic Years greater than the current Academic Year.
Student Subjects:
Links of Student Subject Records for the Current Academic Year.
Student Marks:
Student Assessments will be exported and assimilated into the "Assessments" Parallel of SA-SAMS.
SA-SAMS Assessments:
This Check Box should only be checked in the event that the SA-SAMS Assessments have been "Pushed" into your institution by the Support Team. This will attempt to match the Student's Raw Marks to the existing Assessments in SA-SAMS.
If the checkbox remains unchecked during the Export Process, the Export Application will duplicate the Assessments in the Enterprise Edition System and replicate those Assessments in the SA-SAMS Database, followed by the Raw Marks of the Student's Assesment's Results captured in the Enterprise Edition System.
Student Attendance:
Absenteeism Records of Enterprise Edition Students.
Student Conduct:
Conduct Records of Enterprise Edition Student.
Leave and Absenteeism (Staff):
Leave and Absenteeism from the Enterprise Edition System will be assimilated into "Leave Records" for the SA-SAMS Data structures.
LTSM (Library/Media):
LTSM (Learner Teacher Support Materials) records will be exported to the SA-SAMS Database. If an LTSM record matches between the systems based on the ISBN Number, it will be used as such - else the Export Application will create the ISBN, relevant Title Information and Item records in the SA-SAMS Database such that either way accurate allocation of resources and all records thereof can be exported to the SA-SAMS Database.
Include Last Year Promotions:
This Checkbox will at the end of the Export Process investigate the Promotion/Progression Records of the Current Academic Year's Enrolments and associated Students and thusly export the records (whether the learner was retained or promoted into their current Grade/Class) from the previous year for said students to the SA-SAMS Database. This will not include records of Learners who do not have a Current Academic Year Enrolment (ie: Learners who eg. Graduated last year).
Export the selected information
Once all (and at least 1 information set) has been selected for export, by clicking the Export button the process will commence.
WARNING! If an existing SA-SAMS database were selected in section 2.5; it will be overwritten and thusly may corrupt the existing database as well impede the quality of the exported data.
The progress bar on the bottom of the application window will reflect which information set is being exported and its current progress.
Certain information sets contain more detail than others and may take longer to export.
*Note, your local personal computer’s internet connectivity (download speed) is a factor in the time taken to complete the export as information is requested by the application from the Enterprise Edition remotely.
Once the export process has completed, a dialogue will appear to indicate success as well indicate the time taken for the entire export process.
If an unexpected error occurs – it would be best to make a screen capture of the progress bar and contact Support – we will assist in resolving the error such that you can completely export from the Enterprise Edition to SA-SAMS.
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