g) Select the Educatorresponsible for the Event and the AllocationofConduct.
h) Multiple Device Entries – This will allow the Person to log the Entries from Multiple Devices.
i) Duplicate Conduct – This will allow the conduct to be duplicated for example the student will receive the conduct point twice for the Primary and Secondary Guardianattending the Event.
j) Link Color – Thie will be the base colour for labels etc. for the Event logging screen.
k) Select the Savebutton.
l) Select the QRCODEbutton to generate the link and QRCODE for a person to scan from mobile devices.
m) Printcopies of the QRCODE and laminate.
n) Use these copies and put them in locations where the Guardians can easily scan the codes. For example, the School Hall entry points.
o) Parents/Guardians can now scan the code with their mobile devices.
p) When Parents/Guardians logentries from devices the details can be found on the grid below.