Note:The user could have created the Student Grade making use of the Add Grade Menu Option -
Refer to the Administration Module - Management / Setup / Grade.
The Student Grade is a Required field (). The user selects the Student Grade by Left Clicking on the Drop Down List Box (). When this is done a list of available Student Grade will be displayed. Should the user not Select a Student Grade and attempts to Save () the information the system will give an indication () that this is compulsory information.
Select the applicable Student Grade by Left Clicking on it in the list. Should the user want to enter a New Student Grade, it is done by Left Clicking on the AddButton (). When this is done the Add Student Grade Page will be displayed (Refer to the Administration Module - Management / Setup / Grade.).
The Subjectis a Required field (). The user selects the Subject by Left Clicking on the Drop Down List Box (). When this is done a list of available Subject will be displayed. Should the user not Select a Subject and attempts to Save () the information, the system will give an indication () that this is compulsory information.
Select the applicable Subject by Left Clicking on it in the list. Should the user want to enter a New Subject, it is done by Left Clicking on the AddButton (). When this is done the Add Subject Page will be displayed (Refer to Add Subjects).
Should the user only want Symbols on the Report Card for the Subject Grade, Left Click the Symbol Only Check Box. When this is done the Check Box will display a Check mark ().
Note:Class Groups - Number of Class Groups that can be allocated to a Subject Grade. Class Groups are
also known as Keys and is used to indicate for example the number of Educators teaching the same
subject for the same Grade.
The Class Group is a Required field (). The user needs to enter the Number of Class Groups (numeric value) or make use of the Increase / Decreasebutton () to enter a Value for the Class Group. Should the user not enter a Class Group and attempts to Save () the information the system will give an indication () that this is compulsory information.
Note:The Position determines the order in which the Subjects are printed on the Report Card.
The Position is a Required field (). The user needs to enter the Position (numeric value) for the Subject or make use of the Increase / Decreasebutton () to enter a Value for the Position. Should the user not enter a Position and attempts to Save () the information the system will give an indication () that this is compulsory information.
The Official Code is the Lurits* Code for the Subject as supplied by the Department of Education. The code Official Code is used for the Lurits* export.
(*Lurits codes are for use by South African Schools only, but it is foreseen that the same information will be used for EMIS reporting by other countries i.e. Namibia.)
Should the Subjects be exported to third party system the Export Code can be used as the reference code between the the systems. An example of where this field is used, is the export of data to the Gauteng Grade 10 to 12 registration sytem for exam numbers.
When all information has been entered the Subject Grade is saved by Left Clicking on the Save Button (). Should the user want to Cancel the Add Action, Left Click on the Cancel Button ().