
Learner Information

Learner Information
Note: ID numbers are particularly important - 13 digits, no spaces!

General Toolbar

1. General Toolbar
For Adding, Editing,  Removing, Printing, Filtering etc. of Learner Records, Refer to GENERAL TOOLBAR MODULE.

General Lurits Statistics

2. General Lurits Statistics
This is General Information with Regard to the Number of Learners in the School, With and Without Lurtits Numbers.

Lurits Status

3. Lurits Status
Should the Educational Institution have submitted the Learner Information to SITA and feedback was Uploaded, the Status Code for the Feedback that was Received will be displayed. The Status can have one of the following values:
For this example the Status Code is 1, indicating that the Learner Information is going to be submitted for the first time or changes have been made to the Learner Information since the Last submission.

Edit Learner Information

4. Edit Learner Information
Should the User want make Changes to the Learner Information, the Learner Information can be Edited by Selecting the Edit Button.
The Student Profile Page will be Displayed.
Once the user has completed the Changes and Selects the Save Button, the current Lurits Learner Information Page will be Displayed.
This functionality enables the user to make changes to the Student Profile without having to navigate away from the current Lurits Page.

Lurits Reason

5. Lurits Reason
Should the Educational Institution have submitted the Learner Information to SITA and feedback was Uploaded, Lurits Reasons for unsuccessful submissions will be displayed.

Information to be Completed on Student Profile

The following Learner information should be completed on the Student Profile:
  • First Name / Second Name / Third Name / Surname,
  • Date of Birth / ID number OR Passport number / Ethnic Group / Gender
  • Immigrant if applicable
  • Lurits number  (initially leave blank. New learners transferred in will have Lurits numbers)
  • Parents Deceased
  • Physical Address / Postal code / Guardians ID numbers (From Guardians Detail)
  • Learner’s grade this year / In which class is the learner this year?
  • Home language /  Learner’s language of teaching / Learner’s preferred language of teaching
  • Date registered at school / School Admission number
  • If the learner is in a Pre-GrR or GrR class, is it a STATE or SGB/R3 funded class? (Pre-GrR or GrR classes only)
  • Did the learner attend any formal or non-formal pre-primary programmes prior to Gr 1? (Grade 1 only)
  • Province of Previous School / Did the learner attend school last year
  • Is it the first time a learner has registered at a school in this province?
  • Is the learner a hostel boarder this year?
  • Is the learner registered for a social grant?
  • Does the learner receive a social grant?
  • Does the learner benefit from the Primary School Nutrition Program (PSNP)?
  • Inclusion status (SNE status of learner)
  • Disabilities
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