
Absenteeism Corrections

Absenteeism Corrections
Should the user have captured the absenteeism for students for a certain date and wants to make corrections the procedure below should be followed. The user could for example have selected a student for being absent that should not have been marked as absent and the other way around which implies students should be added to the absenteeism list for the specific date.

Absent Type

1. Absent Type

Absent Date

2. Absent Date

Absent Reason

3. Absent Reason

Selected Students

4. Selected Students
As soon as the user has entered an Absent Type and Date the students that were selected to be absent for the selected Absent Type and Date will be displayed at the top of the list. Should the user want to un-select students (students were not absent) Left Click on the Student Select Check Box which is as this stage Checked. As soon as this is done the Check Box will un-checked indicating that the particular student was not absent for the specific date. To Add students select the students by Left Clicking on the Student Select Check Box. When this is done a Check mark will be displayed indicating that the particular student was absent.
Should the user add students for Absenteeism Types Early Leaving,  Late Arrivals or Part Time for an existing Date the Form and To Times for students that have already been captured will not Change. Should the user want to change From or To times for students it is done on the specific Student Profile.


5. Next
Should the user not select any Notifications to be done, thus just wanting to Register / Change the absenteeism for the students, Left Click on the Next Button (). When this is done the Process Button () will not be Grayed out but will be active


6. Process
To process the absenteeism without any notifications,  Left Click on the Process Button () . Should the absenteeism be processed with notifications Refer to Daily Absenteeism - Notification.
Made with help of Dr.Explain