
Add Asset Item

Add Asset Item

Serial Number

1. Serial Number
Enter the Serial Number of the Asset. If the Asset do not have a serial number, create one by - for example - combining the Asset's Code and a numeric number.
The Serial Number is a Required field (). Should the user not Enter a Serial Number and attempts to Save () the information the system will give an indication  () that this is compulsory information.

Purchase Price

2. Purchase Price
Enter the Purchase Price of the Item, by typing the price or using the Spin Edit Buttons.
The user selects the Purchase Price by typing the price or by Left Clicking on the Spin Edit Buttons (). When this is done the value of Purchase Price will increase or decrease respectively to either upwards or downwards in accordance with the Spin Edit arrow directions.

Purcase Date

3. Purcase Date
Select the Purchase Date by Left Clicking on the Drop down List. A calendar will appear, select the date.

Nett Value

4. Nett Value
Enter the Asset's Nett Value. Also known as book value. Nett Value is calculated as Purchase Price minus Deprecition Value.
The user selects the Nett Value by typing the value or by Left Clicking on the Spin Edit Buttons (). When this is done the value of Nett Value will increase or decrease respectively to either upwards or downwards in accordance with the Spin Edit arrow directions.

Replacement Price

5. Replacement Price
Enter the Asset's Replacement Price. Also known as insurance value. Replacement Price is the price that the Asset is typically insured for.
The user selects the Replacement Price by typing the price or by Left Clicking on the Spin Edit Buttons (). When this is done the value of Nett Value will increase or decrease respectively to either upwards or downwards in accordance with the Spin Edit arrow directions.

Salvage Value

6. Salvage Value
Enter the Asset's Salvage Value. The Salvage Value is the value of the Asset if it is to be sold. Salvage Value is usually equal to Nett Value, but may be different.
The user selects the Salvage Value by typing the value or by Left Clicking on the Spin Edit Buttons (). When this is done the value of Nett Value will increase or decrease respectively to either upwards or downwards in accordance with the Spin Edit arrow directions.

Last Depreciating Date

7. Last Depreciating Date
The Last Depreciation Date is the last date on which deprecition was last applied to the Asset. If no such date exists, use the Purchase Date.
Select the Last Depreciation Date by Left Clicking on the Drop down List. A calendar will appear, select the date.

Life Expectency

8. Life Expectency
Enter the Asset's Life Expency in years.
The user selects the Life Expency by typing the value or by Left Clicking on the Spin Edit Buttons (). When this is done the value of Nett Value will increase or decrease respectively to either upwards or downwards in accordance with the Spin Edit arrow directions.


9. Save/Cancel
When all information has been entered the Item Type is saved by Left Clicking on the Save Button (). Should the user want to Cancel the Add Action, Left Click on the Cancel Button ().
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