
New Inventory - Item

New Inventory - Item


1. Area
Select or Add an Area for this Item.
The Area is a Required field ().The user selects the Area by Left Clicking on the Drop Down List Box (). When this is done a list of available Areas will be displayed. Should the user not Select  an Area  and attempts to Save () the information the system will give an indication  () that this is compulsory information.
1. Area
Select the applicable Area by Left Clicking on it in the list. Should the user want to enter a Area, it is done by Left Clicking on the Add  Button (). When this is done the Add Area Page will be displayed (Refer to ).

Cost Account

2. Cost Account
In the case of:
1.     Non - Consumable Items
Select a Cost Account  from the Drop Down List that has to be debited for when the Item is issued from the Area (Warehouse).
2.     Consumable Items
Select a Asset Account from the Drop Down List that has to be debited for when the Item is acquired.
3.     Services
Select a Cost Account from the Drop Down List that has to be debited for when the Service is acquired.

Sales Account

3. Sales Account
In the case of:
1.     Non - Consumable Items
Select a Sales Account  from the Drop Down List that has to be credited for when the Item is sold.
2.     Consumable Items
Select a Sales Account from the Drop Down List that has to be credited for when the Item is sold.
3.     Services
Select a Sales Account from the Drop Down List that has to be credited for when the Service is sold.

Asset Account

4. Asset Account
In the case of:
1.     Non - Consumable Items
Select a Asset Account  from the Drop Down List that has to be debited for when the Item is acquired.
2.     Consumable Items
Not Applicable.
3.     Services
Not Applicable.

On Hand Quantity

5. On Hand Quantity
Enter the On Hand Quantity of the Item, by typing the quantity or using the Spin Edit Buttons.
The On Hand Quantity  is a Required field ().The user selects the On Hand Quantity by Left Clicking on the Spin Edit Buttons (). When this is done the value of On Hand Quantity will increase or decrease respectively to either upwards or downwards in accordance with the Spin Edit arrow directions.

Minimum Quantity

6. Minimum Quantity
Enter the Minimum Quantity of the Item, by typing the quantity or using the Spin Edit Buttons.
The Minimum Quantity  is a Required field ().The user selects the Minimum Quantity by Left Clicking on the Spin Edit Buttons (). When this is done the value of Minimum Quantity will increase or decrease respectively to either upwards or downwards in accordance with the Spin Edit arrow directions.

Maximum Quantity

7. Maximum Quantity
Enter the Maximum Quantity of the Item, by typing the quantity or using the Spin Edit Buttons.
The Maximum Quantity  is a Required field ().The user selects the Maximum Quantity by Left Clicking on the Spin Edit Buttons (). When this is done the value of Maximum Quantity will increase or decrease respectively to either upwards or downwards in accordance with the Spin Edit arrow directions.

Business Unit

8. Business Unit
Select or Add an Business Unit against which this Item is to be booked.


9. Save/Cancel
When all information has been entered the Item Type is saved by Left Clicking on the Save Button (). Should the user want to Cancel the Add Action, Left Click on the Cancel Button ().
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