
Creating Export Files

Creating Export Files


1. Processing
The System will give an indication of which Export File is being Created.

Progress Bar

2. Progress Bar
The Progress Bar will give an indication of the  Progress.

Export File

3. Export File
As soon as the Export File has been Created, the File Name will be displayed.
The File Name Includes the following:
(i)       The Educational Institutions Lurits Number - 700400032
(ii)      The File Type that was Created - Tx03
(iii)     The Date that the File was Created (YYYYMMDD) - 2012102
(iv)      The Time the File was Created (HHMM) - 1400
The Export File that is Created, is Saved in the Edupac EnterPrise Edition Database.
This File now needs to be Copied to the C: Drive of the computer from where the Lurits Submission will be done - Refer to Step 3 - Lurits Submission.
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