
Student Assessment

Student Assessment
Note:  Student Assessments are captured on this Page.

Subject Grade

1. Subject Grade
Selects the Subject Grade by Left Clicking on the Drop Down List Box (). When this is done a list of available Subject Grades will be displayed.
Select the applicable Subject Grade, for which the Student  Assessments will be Captured, by Left Clicking on it in the list [Afrikaans (GRADE 7)]. 


2. Level
Selects the Level by Left Clicking on the Drop Down List Box (). When this is done a list of available Levels will be displayed.
Select the applicable Level by Left Clicking on it in the list.

Class Group

3. Class Group
Next a Class Group needs to be Selected / entered. The Class Group is a Numeric value. The user can enter the Class Group (numeric value) or make use of the Increase / Decrease button () to enter a Value for the Class Group .  

Show Active Only

4. Show Active Only
When this Check Box is Checked only the Active students will be displayed.


5. All-Checkbox
This will filter all Students in the grade that have the Subject.
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