
Add Symbol

Add Symbol
Note:  The user can enter the Symbols one at a time or the system can create the Symbol  entries for the user
 - Refer to Symbol Example.


1. Abbreviation
The Abbreviation for the Symbol is a Required field ().  The user can enter a Numeric or Alpha Numeric Value for the Abbreviation. Should the user not enter an Abbreviation and attempts to Save () the information the system will give an indication () that this is compulsory information.
Note:  Take note that the maximum length for the abbreviation is two characters, for example A+.


2. Description
The can enter a Description for the Symbol .

Alternative Description

3. Alternative Description
The can enter an Alternative Description for the Symbol .

Min Percentage

4. Min Percentage
Note:  The system has a built-in maximum of 100%. When the user makes use of the function where the
system creates the Symbol entries for the user, the value for the Min Percentage should be below
100 % for example 90 %.
The Minimum Percentage for the for the Symbol is a Required field ().  The user must enter a Numeric Value for the Minimum Percentage (numeric value) or make use of the Increase / Decrease button () to enter a Value for the for the Minimum Percentage. Should the user not enter a Minimum Percentage and attempts to Save () the information the system will give an indication () that this is compulsory information.

Tertiary Score

5. Tertiary Score
Note:  Tertiary Scores are typically added together to get a final mark to determine if a Student will get for example
University Exemption.
The Tertiary Score is  a Required field ().  The Tertiary Score is a Numeric value. The user can enter the Tertiary Score  (numeric value) or make use of the Increase / Decrease  button () to enter a Value for the Tertiary Score.  Should the user not enter a Tertiary Score and attempts to Save () the information the system will give an indication  () that this is compulsory information.

Promotion Score

6. Promotion Score
Note:  The Promotion Score is used when Promotional Calculations are done. Promotional Scores are typically
added together to get a final mark to determine the Promotional Outcome.
The Promotion Score is a Required field ().  The Promotion Score is a Numeric value. The user can enter the Promotion Score  (numeric value) or make use of the Increase / Decrease button () to enter a Value for the Promotion Score.  Should the user not enter a Promotion Score and attempts to Save () the information the system will give an indication  () that this is compulsory information.

Number of Symbol Copies

7. Number of Symbol Copies
Refer to Symbol Example.

Difference for Batch

8. Difference for Batch
Refer to Symbol Example.

Create / Cancel

9. Create / Cancel
When all information has been entered the Symbols are created by Left Clicking on the Create Button (). Should the user want to Cancel the Create Action, Left Click on the Cancel Button ().
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