Understanding the Budgeting Process.
1. Budgeting is done against individual Accounts and can be done per month (different income/expense values per period) or per year (12 equal income/expense values per year).
2. Budgeting is done at the lowest level (Business Unit). The system will automatically roll the totals up for the school. (Sum of Business Units per Account)
When adding or editing an Account's Budget, tick the Split Box on, enter the Yearly Budget Value, Tick the Split Box off, then edit the individual Periods' (Monthly) Value. This will save time by not needing to enter twelve values which are usually the same! (Refer to Edit an Account's Budget - Yearly and Edit an Account's Budget - Monthly).
If an Account is to have a budget allocated to it, the Allow Budget Check Box MUST be ticked for the Account!
Edit the Account out of the Accounts Menu (Refer to Accounts) to add the check.
The Budget screen (above) will ONLY display Accounts which Allow Budget Check Box's are ticked.
Edit the Account out of the Accounts Menu (Refer to Accounts) to add the check in order for it to be displayed on the Budget screen.
Ensure that the correct Financial Year is chosen when doing budgets. (Refer to point 1 below).
3. Each Account's Budget can be Edited individually. (Refer to point 4 below).
4. All the Accounts' Budgets for the current financial year can be simultaneously increased or decreased percentage wise. (Refer to point 2 below).
5. A previous or current year's budget can be copied to next year's budget. (Refer to point 5 below).
Positive Budget Values depicts debit values and Credit Budget Values are entered as negative values.
Start of by:
To Edit an individual Account's Budget, Left Click on the Edit Button () next to the Account. The Edit Budget screen will open. (Refer to Edit an Account's Budget)
If the edit button is not shown, then you are viewing the rolled-up (highest level) view of the budget. Select a sub business unit to edit an accounts budget.
To Copy a budget from one year to the next:
Ensure that the year that is the source year is selected in Financial Year (as in point 1 above).
Left Click on the Copy Button ( ) to copy the budget to the next year. The Copy Selected to ... screen will open. (Refer to Copy a Budget).