
Issue Media Items to a Learner / Educator

Issue Media Items to a Learner / Educator

Issue Media Item

1. Issue Media Item
A Media Item is Issued to Learner / Educator by Scanning or Entering the Media Item Serial Number (The Serial Number for the Media Item is entered on the Media Titles - Items Tab - Refer to Items). Should the user scan or enter an invalid Media Item Serial Number the system will give an indication of this:
Should the user scan or enter a valid Media Item Serial Number a new record will be created and displayed. The following information will be displayed: (i) Serial No (ii) Title (iii) Subtitle (iv) Date Issued and (v) Expected. The Expected Date is the date when the Media Item should be returned. The Expected Return Date is Calculated by adding the number of days that were entered for the Loan Period for the specific Media Item, to the Current date - Refer to General  - (Loan Period).
Should the specific Media Item have been issued and thus not available to be Issued, the system will give an indication of this:
Should the specific Media Item have been Reserved and thus not available to be Issued, the system will give an indication of this and display the information of the person that has Reserved the Item:

Remove Media Item

2. Remove Media Item
Should the user have made a mistake (for example scanned a wrong book) and the specific Media Item should not have been Issued to the Learner / Educator, the Media Item Issue Transaction can be Cancelled by Left Clicking the Remove Media Item Button. When this is done the System will Prompt the user to confirm that the Media Item Issue Transaction should be Cancelled. To Confirm the Cancellation of the Issue Transaction Left Click the OK Button.
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