
Return Media Items

Return Media Items
Note: When the page is opened the a List of Media Items that has been Issued to a Learner
                         / Educator will be Displayed.

Return Media Items

1. Return Media Items
A Media Item is Returned by Scanning or Entering the Media Item Serial Number (The Serial Number for the Media Item is entered on the Media Titles - Items Tab - Refer to Items) when the Return Tab is Selected. Should the user scan or enter an invalid Media Item Serial Number the system will give an indication of this:
Should the user scan or enter a valid Media Item Serial Number, to be Returned, the Specific Record for the Media Item that is being Returned, will be Removed from the List of Media Items that have been Issued to the Specific Learner / Educator.
Should the user try to Enter / Scan a Serial Number of an Item that is not Valid for the Selected Learner / Educator, the system will give an indication of this:
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