Each Media Item is given a unique barcode number by the system, used for issuing and returning an item. This barcode can be printed on a sticker and be stuck into or onto the media item. There may also be more than one copy of a specific media item, you may for example have 5 copies of an Oxford English dictionary:
They have all the same title, author, publisher, ISBN number etcetera. But they may not be all of the same edition, and/or may not have the same purchase price. Nor were they obtained from the same source. Thus, EnterPrise Edition makes use of the principle that there are different “Media” and each “Media” may have one or more “Detail”. The “Detail” of a “Media” refers to the copies of that book or CD. This fact saves time when new Media is captured, especially if more than one copy of an item is acquired. The common information of an item (i.e. title, author, publisher, ISBN number etcetera) is captured under the “Media” information and the unique and individual information of each item (i.e. edition, source, price etcetera) is captured under that item’s “Detail” - Refer to Add Media Titles.