
Weekly Absenteeism Capturing Page

Weekly Absenteeism Capturing Page

Capture Date

1. Capture Date
The Absent Type and the period for which the absenteeism will be captured is displayed at the top of the page.


2. Filters
The user can add filter information to display the students information for which the weekly absenteeism will be captured. This can for example be done by Grade, Class or Sports House.

Days Absent

3. Days Absent
The students are marked absent by Left Clicking on the applicable Check Box. When the user Left Clicks on the Check Box a Check Mark will be displayed (). Should the user make a mistake the Check Box can be Un-Checked by Left Clicking on it for a second time. For this example the student was absent on Monday and Wednesday.
The user can make use of the Days Absent Filter to display the students that have been registered as being absent for the selected Absenteeism Type and Period. This is done by Left Clicking on the Drop Down List Box below the Day ().
When this is done the the Yes/No options will be displayed. Left Click on Yes. When this is done all students that were marked as being absent on Monday will be displayed.


4. Notify
Should the students Guardians be notified of the absenteeism,  Left Click on the Notify  Check Box. When this is done the students Guardians will receive notification of the absenteeism via Email or SMS, depending on the Preferred method of communication that was selected on the Guardian Profile,  Notifications tab.  (Refer to Emails, Contacts - Guardian Profile Page)
For the Guardians be notified of the Absenteeism the Absenteeism Check Box (Subscribed Notifications) on the Guardian Profile,  Notifications tab needs to be Checked.
Should the students Guardians be notified of the absenteeism the user does not need to Left Click both the Select Student and Notify Check Boxes. The user only needs to Left Click on the Notify Check Box. When this is done the Select Student Check Box will automatically be checked.

Select Students

5. Select Students
The user selects the student by Left Clicking on the Select Students Check Box. When this is done, a Check Mark will be displayed (). Should the user make a mistake the Check Box can be Un-Checked by Left Clicking on it for a second time.
It is not necessary for the user to Left Click on the Select Students Check Box to select the student. As soon a the user Left Clicks on a Day indicating that the student was absent for a day the Select Students Check Box will automatically be checked.


6. Previous
Should the user want to change the Absent Type or the Absent Date,  Left Click on the Previous Button ().


7. Next
Should the user not select any Notifications to be done, thus just wanting to register the absenteeism for the students, Left Click on the Next Button (). When this is done the Process Button () will not be Grayed out but will be active. To process the absenteeism without any notifications,  Left Click on the Process Button () . Should the user not select any students and Left Click on the Process Button () the following Error will be displayed:
Should the user have selected Notifications to be done, Left Click on the Next Button (). When this is done the Weekly Absenteeism - Notification Page will be displayed (Refer to Weekly Absenteeism - Notification).
Should the user have  selected a student by Left Clicking on the Select Students Check Box but no absent days were selected the following system Error will be displayed:


8. Process
Made with help of Dr.Explain