
Weekly Notification Confirmation

Weekly Notification Confirmation

Students Selected

1. Students Selected
This count gives an indication of the number of students that were selected on the Daily Absenteeism Page.

Students Unselected

2. Students Unselected
Should the user have returned to the Daily Absenteeism Page and unselected students from the Dialy Absenteeism List, this count will indicate the number of students that were unselected.

Notification Count

3. Notification Count
This count gives an indication of the number of students that were selected to be notified on the Daily Absenteeism Page.

SMS Count

4. SMS Count
This count gives an indication of the number of SMS notifications that will be send out.
Should the user for some reason not want to send any SMS's, the user can override the system by Un-Checking the Send SMS Check Box. This is done by Left Clicking on the Send SMS Check Box (). When this is done the Check Box will be Un-Checked () indicating that no SMS's will be sent.

Email Count

5. Email Count
This count gives an indication of the number of Email notification that will be send out.
Should the user for some reason not want to send any Emails, the user can override the system by Un-Checking the Send Emails Check Box. This is done by Left Clicking on the Send Emails Check Box (). When this is done the Check Box will be Un-Checked () indicating that no Emails will be sent.


6. Previous
The user can Return to the Daily Absenteeism - Notification Page, by Left Clicking on the Previous Button ().


7. Process
Once the user has "confirmed" that the number of SMS's / Emails that will be send is "correct" the process is completed, by Left Clicking on the Process Button (). While the system is processing the transactions the following will be displayed:
Should all transactions be successful the system will Return to the Daily Absenteeism Page.
(i) Should the SMS settings not be correct the following Error Message will be displayed:
(ii) Should either the SMS settings be incorrect or there be an Internet Connection Error, the following Error Message will be displayed:
In both cases the user should ensure that the Internet Connection is available and that the SMS settings (Refer to SMS Settings) are correct.
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