
Enrolment Wizard

Enrolment Wizard

Enrolment Wizard

1. Enrolment Wizard

Search Panel

2. Search Panel
Refer to Search Panel.

Administration Panel

3. Administration Panel

New Guardian Panels

4. New Guardian Panels

Student Panel

5. Student Panel
Refer to Student Panel.

Address Panels

6. Address Panels
Refer to Address Panels.

Process Button

7. Process Button
The Save Button will perform the following:
  • A Saving Dialogue will appear.
  • Verify that the Admission Number which has been Entered on the Student Capture Tab is valid and does not currently Exist for any other Student in your Institution.
  • If the Admission Number Does Exist you will be warned by the following Message. The example indicates that the Admission Number with the value of "1234" already exists for a Student in your Institution. The user is required to Left Click the OK Button and Navigate back to the Student Capture Tab by using the Back Button to Re-Capture a non-existing Admission Number. Once a new Admission Number has been entered, the user can navigate back to the Next of Kin Capture Tab and attempt to Save again by Left Clicking the OK Button . The Wizard will not allow the duplication of a Admission Number for your Institution.
  • Verify that the Account Code which has been Entered on either of the following:
  • Existing Guardians who are not already Customers Account Code Text Box
  • Primary/Secondary Guardian Capture Tab - Account Code Text Box
  • Account Holder Capture Tab - Account Code Text Box
    Is valid and does not currently Exist for any other Student in your Institution.
    a. If the Account Code Does Exist you will be warned by the following Message. The example indicates that the Account Code with the value of "1234" already exists for an Account in your Institution. The user is required to Left Click the OK Button and Navigate back to the desired Account Holder's Account Code Text Box by using the Back Button to Re-Capture a non-existing Account Code. Once a new Account Code has been entered, the user can navigate back to the Next of Kin Capture Tab and attempt to Save again by Left Clicking the OK Button . The Wizard will not allow the duplication of a Account Code for your Institution.
    If both Admission Number and Account Code (if Applicable) are valid and unique to the Institution. The system will return shortly with the following dialogue:
The user may then Left Click the OK Button and await the Wizard to return to a blank Student Capture Tab and proceed to capture the next Student.
Depending on the status and quality of your Internet Connection, this process may require the user to be patient as a lot information has been requested to the System for saving.
Made with help of Dr.Explain